Juan Morales, Avto Gogichaishvili, Daniel Schavelzon, Carlos A. Vasquez, Claudia Gogorza,and Augusto Rapalini
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Latinmag Letters, Volume 3, Special Issue (2013), OC03, 1-4. Proceedings Montevideo, Uruguay
Archaeointensity determinations using the Thellier method have been carried out on some selected bricks, tiles and pottery fragments in historical buildings of Buenos Aires. Four out of the five studied samples (25 out of 33 specimens) provided successful archaeointensity determinations. The fragment-mean archaeointensity values obtained in this study range from 26.5 ± 6.3 to 43.2 ± 4.1 mT, with a mean VADM (virtual axial dipole movement) of (7.3 ± 1.6) x 1022 Am2. The synthetic archaeointensity variation record retrieved from Argentina consists of 38 mean archaeointensities distributed between 350 AD and 1890 AD. In order to ensure the reliability of ages provided by historical notes, we estimated the Probability Density Function (PDF) for each sample by using the global model CALS3k (calculated for the geographical position of the sampling site). More precise age estimations will require the use of the full geomagnetic vector.
