Libro: Stratigraphy and Timescales

Capítulo 8: Astronomical calibration of the Tithonian-Berriasian in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: a contribution from the Southern Hemisphere to the Geologic Time Scale
Autores: Diego A Kietzmann, Maria Paula Iglesia Llanos, Melisa Kohan Martínez
Libro: The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes

Capítulo: "Cenozoic Uplift and Exhumation of the Frontal Cordillera Between 30° and 35° S and the Influence of the Subduction Dynamics in the Flat Slab Subduction Context, South Central Andes" - pp 387-409
Autores: Ana C. Lossada, Laura Giambiagi, Gregory Hoke, José Mecua, Julieta Suriano, Manuela Mazzitelli
Libro: Petroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia

Capítulo 22: Deformation and Stratigraphic Models of the Bolivian and Argentinean, Sub-Andean System: Evolution of Knowledge and Current Trends
Autores: Roberto M. Hernández, Juan I. Hernández, Alejandra Dalenz Farjat,
Luis A. Álvarez, Ernesto O. Cristallini, Renata N. Tomezzoli, Adolfo Rosales,
Jaime Soria Galvarro
Libro: Magnetismo ambiental y Cambio climático

Capítulo: Magnetismo ambiental en suelos vírgenes y antropizados
Autores: María Julia Orgeira, Marcos A. E. Chaparro, Ivana L. Ozán, José D. Gargiulo
Libro: The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes

Capítulo: Paleogeographic and Kinematic Constraints in the Tectonic Evolution of the Pre-Andean Basement Blocks. pp 83-109.
Autores: Augusto E. Rapalini, Silvana E. Geuna, Pablo R. Franceschinis, Cecilia M. Spagnuolo
Libro: Geology of Southwest Gondwana

Capitulo: The Assembly of Western Gondwana: Reconstruction Based on Paleomagnetic Data
Autor: A. Rapalini
Libro: Marine Isotope Stage 3 in Southern South America, 60 ka B.P.-30 ka B.P.

Capítulo: The Influence of the Geomagnetic Field in Climate Changes
Autores: M. J. Orgeira, A. M. Sinito, R. H. Compagnucci
Libro: The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes

Capítulo: The Jurassic Paleogeography of South America from Paleomagnetic Data
pp 225-243
Autora: María Paula Iglesia Llanos
Libro: The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes

Capítulo: The Late Paleogene to Neogene Volcanic Arc in the Southern Central Andes (28°–37° S)
pp 503-536
Autores: Vanesa D. Litvak, Stella Poma, Rosemary E. Jones, Lucía Fernández Paz, Sofía B. Iannelli,
Mauro Spagnuolo, Linda A. Kirstein, Andrés Folguera, Victor A. Ramos
Libro: Geology of Southwest Gondwana

Capitulo: The Nico Pérez Terrane of Uruguay and Southeastern Brazil
pp 161-188
Autores: Pedro Oyhantçabal, Sebastián Oriolo, Ruy Paulo Philipp, Klaus Wemmer,
Siegfried Siegesmund