Listado completo de capítulos de libros por orden alfabético
- An Overview on the Mineral Resources of the Argentine Antarctic Sector
- Astronomical calibration of the Tithonian-Berriasian in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: a contribution from the Southern Hemisphere to the Geologic Time Scale
- Cenozoic Uplift and Exhumation of the Cenozoic Uplift and Exhumation of the Frontal Cordillera Between 30° and 35° S and the Influence of the Subduction Dynamics in the Flat Slab Subduction Context, South Central Andes
- Controls on Deposition of the Tordillo Controls on Deposition of the Tordillo Formation in Southern Mendoza (34°–36° S): Implications for the Kimmeridgian Tectonic Setting of the Neuquén Basin
- Deformation and Stratigraphic Models of the Bolivian and ArgentineanSub-Andean System: Evolution of Knowledge and Current Trends
- Environmental Impacts of an Alien Kelp Alien Kelp Species (Undaria pinnatifida, Laminariales) Along the Patagonian Coasts
- Episodic Remagnetizations related to tectonic events and their consequences for the South America Polar Wander Path
- Erosion and Management in Coastal Dunes
- Geophysical Methods Applied to the Study of Lakes and Paleolakes in Tierra del Fuego
- Ichnology of the Late Paleozoic Paganzo Ichnology of the Late Paleozoic Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata Basins of Western Argentina
- Magnetismo ambiental en suelos vírgenes y antropizados
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Jurassic through Lower Cretaceous in the Neuquén Basin
- Minerales Orgánicos
- Novel Cosmogenic Datings in Landslide Deposits, San Juan, Argentina
- Orbital Controls and High-Resolution Cyclostratigraphy of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous in the Neuquén Basin
- Paleogeographic and Kinematic Constraints in the Tectonic Evolution of the Pre-Andean Basement Blocks
- Paleomagnetic and Magnetic Studies of Quaternary Units in Tierra del Fuego, the South Atlantic Islands and Southern Patagonia
- Potenciales fuentes de materias primas cerámicas: caracterización mineralógica de depósitos fangosos del Bolsón de Fiambalá (Catamarca, Argentina)
- Quaternary tectonics along oblique deformation zones in the Central Andean retro-wedge between 31°30′S and 35°S
- Relationship between Shallow Seismicity and Fluid Exploitation in the Northern Burgos Basin (Nuevo León, México)
- Review Central and South Atlantic shelf and deep-sea benthos science policy and management
- Rock magnetic properties of drill cutting from a hydrocarbon exploratory well and their relationship to hydrocarbon presence and petrophysical properties
- Sedimentology, depositional model and implications for reservoir quality
- Taxonomic and Functional Assessment of Subtidal Macrobenthic Communities in the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina)
- The Assembly of Western Gondwana reconstruction based on paleomagnetic data
- The Influence of the geomagnetic field in climate changes
- The Jurassic Paleogeography of South America from Paleomagnetic Data
- The Late Paleogene to Neogene Volcanic Arc in the Southern Central Andes (28°–37° S)
- The Nico Pérez Terrane of Uruguay and Southeastern Brazil