Libro: The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes

Capítulo: "Cenozoic Uplift and Exhumation of the Frontal Cordillera Between 30°
and 35° S and the Influence of the Subduction Dynamics in the Flat Slab
Subduction Context, South Central Andes" - pp 387-409
Autores: Ana C. Lossada, Laura Giambiagi, Gregory Hoke, José Mecua,
Julieta Suriano, Manuela Mazzitelli
Abstract: This review explores the timing of uplift and exhumation of the Frontal Cordillera range in the South Central Andes between 30° and 35° S summing up the available published evidence up to present. In this segment of the Andes, the Frontal Cordillera straddles a transition from the Chilean–Pampean flat-slab segment to a normal subduction segment and exhibits remarkable along-strike variations in the amount of horizontal shortening, onset of Miocene deformation, and orogenic width, while mean elevations remain steady. None of these variations seem to correspond, in time or space, to the shift in the subduction dynamics; instead, we propose that they represent the expression of inherited features in the continental crust such as the presence of post-Triassic basins or paleo-relief.