Seismic forecasting by gapped wavelet transform for the Río de la Plata craton and adjacent continental platform

Lucas Arioni, Victor M. Velasco Herrera, Luiggina Cappellotto, Maria J. Orgeira, Claudia Prezzi, Eduardo A. Rossello
2 024
Journal of South American Earth Sciences Volume 145, 1 October 2024
Historical and instrumental seismicity from 1845 to the present was compiled for the Pampean regions of Argentina and Uruguay and the adjacent continental platform. These data were analyzed using the Gapped Wavelet Transform (GWT) with the aim of investigating recurrence patterns in the time series.

The GWT analysis reveals the existence of periods of seismic activity and periods of seismic silence within the considered area. A 22-year period was determined as the main pattern of seismic activity, during which earthquakes are registered only in 11 years. Based on these results, a probabilistic earthquake forecasting model was created using the Bayesian Machine Learning method, which suggests that the current seismically active period spans from 2011 to 2023 ± 1, with a cessation until 2034 ± 1, while the next seismically active period would begin in 2034 ± 2 ending in 2046 ± 2.

These periods or recurrence patterns are interpreted as intervals during which stress accumulates throughout intracrustal faults in the studied area, being then released through various events within the established temporal interval. The accumulation and release mechanisms are still a subject of debate. However, the earthquakes distribution suggests a sublatitudinal arrangement that tends to confirm some correspondence with the controlling faulting of the Quilmes Trough and others transtensional regional lineaments.

New paleomagnetic data from the sedimentary cover of the Tandilia System: Further geodynamic or geomagnetic complexities in the Late Ediacaran

A. Cukjati, P.R. Franceschinis, M.J. Arrouy, L.E. Gómez-Peral, D.G. Poiré, R.I.F. Trindade, A.E. Rapalini
2 024
Gondwana Research Volume 132, August 2024, Pages 220-248
Anomalous paleomagnetic data have been found worldwide during the Ediacaran period, giving rise to several non-actualistic hypothesis. In order to get more information about this period, paleomagnetic, magnetic fabric and rock magnetic studies were carried out in the Avellaneda Formation (∼570–560 Ma) from two drill cores of the Alicia quarry in the Olavarría area of the Tandilia System, in the Río de la Plata craton (Argentina). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies indicate a pre-tectonic origin for the magnetic fabric of this Formation. Rock magnetic studies suggest the presence of magnetite and hematite in different proportions as the main ferromagnetic minerals carrying the remanence. After stepwise thermal demagnetization, two different characteristic remanence directions were obtained for the same unit, one corresponding to the marls (“b1”) of the lower section of the Avellaneda Formation, and the other from the claystones (“b2”) of the upper section of this unit. These results were combined with the remanence directions obtained by
Franceschinis et al. (2022)
for the same unit at La Cabañita quarry, located 10 km away. This procedure allows the calculation of two paleomagnetic poles for the Avellaneda Formation. The AV1 pole is located at: 2.0° S, 311.1° E, A95: 5.0°, N: 58 while the AV2 pole is at: 3.3° N, 348.9° E, A95: 11.7°, N: 7. These results confirms that the Rio de la Plata craton also presents anomalous paleomagnetic data during the Ediacaran, implying extremely fast movements in very short periods of time. This can be interpreted as evidence of two inertial interchange true polar wander events during this time, as was already proposed by other authors. An alternative possibility suggests a non-actualistic behaviour of the Earth Magnetic Field, switching from axial to equatorial positions, with an intermediate stable position between them. The likelihood and implications of these two hypotheses is discussed.
Pub-Rapalini-New paleomagnetic data from

Processes involving soil CO2 dynamic in a sector of Chaco-Pampean plain, Argentina: An isotope geochemical approach

Sanci Romina & Panarello Héctor
2 024
Acta Geochimica, 8 March 2024
The magnitude and spatial variability of CO2 surface emissions and processes involving CO2 released to the atmosphere from the soils are relevant issues in the context of climate change. This work evaluated CO2 fluxes and 13C/12C ratio of vegetation, organic matter, and soil gases from no disturbed soils of Chaco Pampean Plain (Argentina) with different soil properties and environmental conditions (PL and PA units). Soil organic decomposition from individual layers was accompanied by δ13C of total organic carbon (δ13C-TOC) values more enriched to depth. δ13C-TOC values in the upper soil profile ~ ca. 0–15 cm were like the plant community of this area (~−33 to −29 ‰) while δ13C-TOC varied stronger bellow horizon A, till ~ −24‰. Both δ13C-TOC and soil δ13C-CO2 were similar (~ −24 to 26 ‰) at deeper horizons (~ 50–60 cm). Toward the superficial layers, δ13C-TOC and δ13C-CO2 showed more differences (till ~ 4 ‰), due influence of the diffusion process. Horizon A layer (~ 0–20 cm) from both PL and PA units contained the most enriched δ13C-CO2 values (~ −15–17 ‰) because atmospheric CO2 permeated the soil air. A simple two-component mixing model between sources (atmospheric δ13C-CO2 and soil CO2) confirmed that process. Isotopically, CO2 fluxes reflected the biodegradation of C3 plants (source), diffusive transport, and CO2 exchange (atmosphere/soil). Soil moisture content appeared as a determining factor in the diffusion process and the magnitude of CO2 surface emissions (12–60 g·m−2·d−1). That condition was confirmed by CO2 diffusion coefficients estimated by air-filled porosity parameters and soil radon gradient model.

Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Berriasian organic-rich interval of the Vaca Muerta Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina): Insights for the characterization of unconventional hydrocarbon shale reservoirs

Ignacio A. Capelli, Roberto A. Scasso, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Diego A. Kietzmann, Mercedes Prámparo, Thierry Adatte
2 024
Marine and Petroleum Geology Volume 163, May 2024,
The 50 m-thick Berriasian organic-rich interval (BORI) of the Vaca Muerta Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) represents one of the most attractive stratigraphic intervals for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration in the unit. Nevertheless, little is known about the environmental conditions prevailing during the accumulation of the sediments. To unravel the causes that favored the preservation of the organic matter (OM) in the BORI, a detailed multiproxy sedimentological approach was conducted. The study included the analyses of microfacies, palynological content, calpionellid-calcisphere dinocysts, mineralogy, spectral gamma-ray, inorganic geochemistry, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and stable carbon isotopes of whole rock carbonate (δ13Ccarb), and associated OM (δ13Corg). The BORI presents a late Early to early Late Berriasian age and is subdivided into a lower and upper interval. The lower interval (25.6 m-thick) is primarily formed by radiolaritic wackestones and presents higher total organic carbon (TOC) content (4.2 wt% on average), mainly in the form of amorphous OM (AOM), with variable contribution of phytoclasts. The geochemical analyses (Si, Ni, Cu, Mo, U, V) indicate high productivity of the water column and overall sea bottom anoxia. Oppositely, the upper interval (24.4 m-thick) is mostly constituted by peloidal packstones/grainstones and presents a lower TOC content (1.5 wt% on average) mainly constituted by phytoclasts, with variable contribution of AOM. A decrease of the productivity and an increase of sea bottom oxygenation is recorded based on the geochemical analyses. The high OM content of the BORI responds to the combination of high productivity of the water column and sea bottom anoxia in response to the Berriasian transgression and a worldwide paleoclimatic change towards more humid conditions. The results of our study position the BORI as an attractive interval for unconventional hydrocarbon production due to its high TOC, low bulk clay mineral and high biogenic quartz content, granting an adequate geomechanical behavior.
Pub-Scasso-Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the

Neotectonics on the Namuncurá (Burdwood) Bank: unveiling seafloor strike-slip processes along the North Scotia Ridge

J. P. Ormazabal, S. Principi, F. I. Palma, D. M. Bran, J. I. Isola, F. D. Esteban, and A. A. Tassone
2 024
Journal of the Geological Society Volume 181, 23 May 2024
The North Scotia Ridge is the offshore morphostructural expression of the left-lateral transcurrent South America–Scotia plate boundary. Several blocks make up the ridge, including the scarcely studied Namuncurá Bank (also known as the Burdwood Bank). We present the first detailed study of active structures on the seafloor of the western Namuncurá Bank from a database of 3D and 2D seismic data, multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiles. This work assesses the architecture, style of deformation and Cenozoic evolution of Namuncurá Bank, where several groups of faults and en echelon folding affect the seabed and shallow sub-bottom. These features compound the northernmost structures associated with a releasing bend, fitting well with a left-lateral Riedel shear model oriented at N74°E, slightly rotated with respect to the present day plate boundary stress regime. The current tectonic scenario started with a main deformational phase in the Neogene, partially distributed by the Malvinas fold–thrust belt, while modern deformation continues to be conditioned by pre-existing structures. This study allows a better understanding of the tectonics of the North Scotia Ridge, a morphostructure that influences the circulation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, thus impacting the global climate.

Submerged imprint of glacier dynamics in the NW sector of Lago Viedma (southern Patagonia, Argentina)

F. B. Restelli, J. G. Lozano, D. M. Bran, S. Bunicontro, E. Lodolo, A. A. Tassone, J. F. Vilas
2 024
Journal of Quaternary Sciences, Volume39, Issue5 July 2024 Pages 765-780
Lago Viedma is a proglacial lake into which the Viedma Glacier flows from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. This glacier has rapidly lost mass in recent times, and its deglacial history is reflected in the lake's subsurface. New high-resolution multi-channel seismic profiles acquired in the northwestern sector of the lake have allowed us to reconstruct the bathymetry of the area and identify several small sub-basins, which have a maximum depth of 240 m in this sector. Four seismic facies have been recognized, separated by erosional unconformities, reflecting the depositional conditions in this sector of the basin during different Quaternary sedimentation phases. There is a transitional phase from ice-contacted deposits to subglacial deposits, probably associated with a subglacial fan, and finally a phase of lacustrine sedimentation. In addition, three depositional stages were identified within the lacustrine deposits, indicating a different sedimentary input, and the morphologies observed at the lake bottom suggest the existence of at least ten stagnations of the glacial margin. This study helps to improve the history of the retreat of the Viedma Glacier in this area during the Pleistocene/Holocene and provides a basis for further geophysical measurements aimed at mapping this remote lacustrine environment.
Pub-Vilas-Submerged imprint of glacier

Insights from the management of offshore energy resources: Toward an ecosystem-services based management approach for deep-ocean industries

M. Emilia Bravo, M. Emilia Bravo, Miriam I. Brandt, Jesse M. A. van der Grient, Thomas G. Dahlgren, Patricia Esquete, Sabine Gollner, Daniel O. B. Jones, Lisa A. Levin, Craig R. McClain, Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, Tracey Sutton, Lissette Victorero, Erik E. Cordes
2 022
Frontiers in Marine Science, 11 January 2023 Sec. Deep-Sea Environments and Ecology Volume 9 - 2022
The deep ocean comprises complex ecosystems made up of numerous community and habitat types that provide multiple services that benefit humans. As the industrialization of the deep sea proceeds, a standardized and robust set of methods and metrics need to be developed to monitor the baseline conditions and any anthropogenic and climate change-related impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem function, and ecosystem services. Here, we review what we have learned from studies involving offshore-energy industries, including state-of-the-art technologies and strategies for obtaining reliable metrics of deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystem function. An approach that includes the detection and monitoring of ecosystem services, with open access to baseline data from multiple sectors, can help to improve our global capacity for the management of the deep ocean.
Pub-Bravo-Insights from the management

Efecto de la fracturación en el muestreo petrofísico de núcleos para la estimación de porosidad y permeabilidad

EA Rossello, M Laprea-Bigott
2 023
Revista de Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería y al Ambiente • N.º 50 • 2023
Los muestreos petrofísicos son una herramienta esencial para determinar la porosidad y permeabilidad de una roca reservorio con el objetivo de comprender sus condiciones de almacenamiento, recuperación y productividad de los flui-dos que contiene, y así evaluar el potencial económico de un proyecto exploratorio. Sin embargo, el tamaño limitado de los diferentes tipos de núcleos condiciona la verdadera validez de sus determinaciones cuando se extrapolan al resto del yacimiento. La limitación mecánica en la extracción de núcleos (plugs-tapones) en áreas litológicas sin fracturas no logra reflejar el comportamiento del conjunto rocoso. Los resultados de porosidad y permeabilidad obtenidos de mediciones de laboratorio, al caracterizar solo las condiciones de la roca indeformada, son significativamente inferiores a los valores del conjunto cuando se incorpora la contribución de las fracturas. En este estudio, se investiga la influencia de la fracturación en el muestreo petrofísico de litologías heterogéneas de núcleos para la determinación de la porosidad y permeabilidad en rocas reservorio. Se analiza cómo las fracturas pueden afectar las mediciones petrofísicas y cómo esto puede impactar la precisión de las estimaciones de porosidad y permeabilidad en la evaluación de los yacimientos. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan información petrofísica valiosa para mejorar las técnicas de muestreo en áreas con presencia de fracturas para la mejor caracterización de los reservorios y una toma de decisiones más informada en la industria del petróleo y gas.
Pub-Rossello-Efecto de la fracturación

Revision of the La Veteada Formation in its stratotype (La Rioja, Argentina): age, stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental significance

Carlos Oscar Limarino, Leonardo R. Scarlatta, Patricia L. Ciccioli, Sabrina Miyno, Fanny Bello, Silvia N. Césari
2 023
Andean Geology 50 (1), 2023 : 127-149
The La Veteada Formation, in the Sierra de Famatina (west of Argentina), is one of the few records of Early Triassic age in South America verified by isotopic age and palynological assemblages. This unit is composed of sandstones, mudstones, shales, limestones, and marls, with some levels of gypsum, chert, and tuff levels. In its stratotype, the La Veteada Formation rests on Late Permian red beds of the Talampaya Formation and is covered by Neogene breccias and conglomerates belonging to the Del Crestón Formation. The unit is divided into three associations of sedimentary facies. Facies association A (80 m thick) is a red bed succession composed of mudstone and fine-grained sandstone, together with some levels of chert and gypsum. Facies association B (58 m thick) is greenish-gray to yellowish-gray and comprises limestones, marls, shales, and fine- to coarse-grained sandstones. This facies includes stromatolites and several levels of shales and marls where rich palynological assemblages were recovered. Finally, facies association C (24 m thick) is made up of yellowish-gray marls, mudstones, and sandstones. In this section, stromatolites are missing, thin levels of gypsum appear, and evidence of subaerial exposition as mud cracks and raindrop imprints are frequent at the top of the facies. The lithology, sedimentary structures, and vertical stacking of facies suggest that the La Veteada Formation was deposited in a lacustrine environment, which evolved from a shallow ephemeral playa lake system (facies association A) to a perennial lake, in which carbonate production increased compared to clastic sedimentation (facies association B). Regarding the facies association C, the increase in clastic supply, the missing stromatolites, and the presence of gypsum levels suggest a progressive shallowing of the lake and the likely transition to a palustrine environment. The Early Triassic age of the La Veteada Formation is indicated from two different lines of research. Firstly, a zircon U-Pb age of 249.66±0.11 Ma obtained from a tuff level at the middle part of the facies association A. Secondly, the presence of palynological species identified in other Early Triassic units worldwide. The La Veteada Formation records the filling of the embryonic extensional basins formed at the earliest Triassic. Moreover, this unit shows the evolution of depositional environments after the late Permian massive extinction event.
Pub-Limarino-Revision of the La Veteada

The southern extension of the Eocene Andean orogeny: New sedimentary record of the foreland basin in the southern Central Andes at 32° S

Julieta Suriano, Ana C. Lossada, J. Brian Mahoney, Ana M. Tedesco, Carlos O. Limarino, Laura B. Giambiagi, Manuela A. Mazzitelli, José F. Mescua, Lucas Lothari and Rodrigo Quiroga
2 023
Basin Research, Volume35, Issue 6, December 2023, pages 2381-2400
The Eocene compressional phase is well known to have contributed to the construction of the Andes orogen at latitudes north of 30° S, but its extension to the south has not been fully studied. Moreover, synorogenic deposits of Eocene age across the foreland are scarce. The Cenozoic Manantiales Basin records the unroofing sequence of the Andes at 32° S. This study focuses on the basal infill of the Manantiales Basin, informally called the Areniscas Chocolate, which has received less attention than the upper infill until now. Sedimentological, geochronological and provenance studies were carried out on this unit. Here, we present the first ages for the Areniscas Chocolate sequence, of ca. 35–39 Ma (maximum depositional age, MDA). This MDA is interpreted as close to its depositional age, which together with their stratigraphic characteristics, allow us both to separate it from the overlying Miocene Chinches Formation and to propose it as an independent lithostratigraphic unit called Río de los Patos Formation (nov. den.). The provenance analysis of the Río delos Patos Formation indicates a sediment input from western sources located in the Coastal Cordillera and Western Principal Cordillera. Facies associations suggest that the Río de los Patos Formation represents the distal synorogenic deposits during the construction of an Eocene relief to the west. Therefore, the Manantiales Basin started during the late Eocene as a distal foreland basin, indicating that Eocene compression reached latitudes as far south as 32° S. Our results shed light into the characterization of the earliest infill of the Manantiales Basin, as well as into the tectonic evolution of the basin.
Pub-Limarino-The southern extension of